Saturday, February 3, 2007

Technological nightmare

"Technology is the nightmare from which I cannot awaken"
Every year it seems that there is more technological things available to make our lives easier or more comfortable. I personally find none of it to be overly compelling. In fact, I think that more technology creates more ignorance in the general population. First of all, instead of debating and sharing opinions through the art of conversation, people are more inclined to "conversing online" which leads to a more solitary demeanor. This makes it even more difficult for people to actually relate to each outside of their online lives. I see many children using message boards, like MySpace, opening themselves to mature situations that they may not be able to handle or understand. Or they play online games rather than playing outside and getting much needed physical activity. Also the Internet provides quite a bit of misinformation and is subjective rather than objective-so people will believe anything that is written at face value, rather than use their critical thinking skills (that is, if they have any critical thinking skills). Right now, I'm wondering why I'm even bothering to blog about this-it's not like anyone is actually going to read what I have written. blah blah blah.

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