Friday, February 16, 2007


At first, I was really enjoying this exercise in that we were all sharing a list of our favorite books, movies, tv shows , etc. But when I was trying to upload a photo to one of the options, I think I accidentally deleted an entire wiki page and for that I apologize. But I also want to say that throughout this whole experience, I have been going through many trials and errors esp. in uploading photos to blogs or to other postings. Nothing has been sufficiently explained to me and, as of this moment, I am quiting the Learning 2.0 journey. I give up....I simply don't understand the exercises or the point of doing them any further. Goodbye

1 comment:

Virtual Services Team said...

Sorry you're leaving us. After reading your comments about 2.0, it's understandable. Doing things by trial and error is frustrating, but can be a rewarding way of learning. If you're already familiar with Google Docs and Spreadsheets, LibraryThing, YouTube, podcasts doing these things may feel superfluous, but let us know what you think! If you're not, why not give them a try!