Please be on the lookout for this squirrel...he's been trying to enter the Rosegarden Library on several occasions and causes mass hysteria in the 1st floor hallway. Yesterday he was escorted out by a library staff member and told only to come back with the intention of signing up for a library card. This staff member was heard to remark "I think that he's wanting to check out some books on various types of nuts". The squirrel could not be reached for comment.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
summary of 2.0 blogs
Alright I decided that it might be a good idea to help out those wonderful people who are running the Library Learning 2.0 program by giving them a list of the exercises and dates that I completed/blogged about them:
Week #1: Intro/ 7 1/2 Lifelong Learning Skills on 1-20-07
Week #2: Blogging/Set up Blog on 1-20-07
Week #3: Flickr on 1-31-07
Week #3: Technology Related Blog on 2-3-07
Week #4: RSS Feeds and Bloglines on 2-5-07
Week #5: Online Image Generator and Web 2.0 Awards on 2-7-07
Week #5: Rollyo on 2-9-07
Week #6: Tagging, Technorati, Delicious and Library 2.0 on 2-14-07
Week #7: Wiki on 2-16-07
Week #8: LibraryThing on 2-28-07
Week #9: YouTube on 2-25-07
Week #9: Summary of Program on 2-28-07
Missing Pieces/Items completed after summary blog was made=3-7-07(Podcasts/Ebooks,etc).
I hope this clarifies the exercises that I completed for this program and hope that it makes the lives of the tech services people a little bit easier when trying to figure out exactly what I did and what I thought of it.
Week #1: Intro/ 7 1/2 Lifelong Learning Skills on 1-20-07
Week #2: Blogging/Set up Blog on 1-20-07
Week #3: Flickr on 1-31-07
Week #3: Technology Related Blog on 2-3-07
Week #4: RSS Feeds and Bloglines on 2-5-07
Week #5: Online Image Generator and Web 2.0 Awards on 2-7-07
Week #5: Rollyo on 2-9-07
Week #6: Tagging, Technorati, Delicious and Library 2.0 on 2-14-07
Week #7: Wiki on 2-16-07
Week #8: LibraryThing on 2-28-07
Week #9: YouTube on 2-25-07
Week #9: Summary of Program on 2-28-07
Missing Pieces/Items completed after summary blog was made=3-7-07(Podcasts/Ebooks,etc).
I hope this clarifies the exercises that I completed for this program and hope that it makes the lives of the tech services people a little bit easier when trying to figure out exactly what I did and what I thought of it.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Raks al Khalil - Rakkasah 2007-4/5
This is the drum solo that my bellydance troupe Raks Al Khalil performed at the Rakkasah festival held in Richmond last Saturday (March 17th). I'm in the front/center in the Purple and Aqua costume. We totally rocked! The rest of our perfromance vignettes are also on YouTube under the heading of "Raks Al Khalil at Rakkasah"
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
What I used to do on my weekends in MI
My ethnic heritage includes Native American on my Mom's side of the family (Seneca and Ojibway) from NY state and the Great Lakes area. I used to dance jingle dress at the local powwows throughout the year when I lived back in Michigan. I also worked for one of the local tribes and learned to speak the Ojibway language (Anishinaabe). Since moving away from MI, I've kind of put that part of myself aside. As much as I love being part Native American, I really don't miss the gossip, backstabbing, and the limitations that exist back on the rez. I don't think that it's a bad thing to be an urban NDN or to be an intellectual, creative, loving human being. I still love a good powwow but I'm not about to get involved in the unhealthy relationships and lifestyle that seems to plague other NDNs
All those little things that I forgot to do!
Regarding the steps in the program that I overlooked or chose not to do- exercise #17 was completed. I did contribute favorite books, vacation stop, and was the 1st person to list my favorite bands/music groups under that wiki heading. I did get frustrated with the upload feature when trying to upload a photo of my favorite animal (my pet bunny) and had to delete the file and accidentally deleted the whole wiki page (sorry)...thus giving up the program for awhile. I looked at the zoho page and found it interesting as far as categorizing items, which I would probably use as a reference librarian, however I am but a lowly page. I already knew about podcasts- I used to work for the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe and their homepage has podcasts of speeches given by tribal leaders (in case I want to stay up-to-date on tribal politics), so I can see this as being beneficial for the acquisition of knowledge. As far as Ebooks are concerned. I thought that I made my thoughts about them abundantly clear in my library of the future blog. Anywho...I feel that I have completed the program and it's really not necessary to give me a flashdrive as I already have 3 of them that I don't bother to, an Ipod on the other hand...; )
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Summary of the 2.0 program
I have to say that overall I found that many of the exercises in this program were useless, as far as helping to understand the future of libraries. Most of the exercises were focused on personal networking and had very little to do with customer service and research methods at the libraries. However there were a few noticeable exceptions, including RSS feeds and LibraryThing. When first embarking on this program, I thought that the main focus would be on valuable methods of research on the Internet to better service Library customers. While I did enjoy some of the exercises, a majority of the program was unclear (esp to someone with limited computer experience and a deep desire for privacy). I think that we need to improve our customer service methods...the first of which should be easier and more understandable access of the library website and catalog. From there, we should encourage our staff and patrons to be looking at research options, connecting with other Libraries and readers, usage of LibraryThing to generate book discussions and reviews, all the while maintaining active community interest in local Library programs and book clubs. Because, ultimately, the focus should always be on bringing the community into the Libraries to offer them access to books, media, information...and most of all, to each other. I will be continuing this blog for my own personal use, so look out for amusing vignettes and (possible) book and movie recommendations.
Library Thing website
Now this is an exercise/website that I actually did enjoy, because I was able to share my personal selections of books that I have read and enjoyed. I can see how this particular service would be beneficial to libraries because a reader could network with other libraries and well-read individuals for book recommendations and reviews. This is probably one of the only exercises in the whole Library 2.0 program that proves to be worthwhile.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Brave Bunny
Bunny Kicks Asp! At first I was concerned about the bunny but after watching it all the way begin to feel sorry for the snake! My favorite part is when the snake tries to climb a tree to get away! Go Feisty Bunny Go!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
It is I the dreaded pirate of the Library...and I 'll be taking over this here blog and there's nothing you can do about it! ARRRGGGHH!.......
.....Why is rum always gone?
.....Why is rum always gone?
Friday, February 16, 2007
At first, I was really enjoying this exercise in that we were all sharing a list of our favorite books, movies, tv shows , etc. But when I was trying to upload a photo to one of the options, I think I accidentally deleted an entire wiki page and for that I apologize. But I also want to say that throughout this whole experience, I have been going through many trials and errors esp. in uploading photos to blogs or to other postings. Nothing has been sufficiently explained to me and, as of this moment, I am quiting the Learning 2.0 journey. I give up....I simply don't understand the exercises or the point of doing them any further. Goodbye
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Library 2.0-Wave of the Future
I've just read several articles expressing opinions regarding the new Library 2.0-where libraries are heading into the future. I don't believe that Library collections will become obsolete, because many people enjoy the feeling of actually holding a book in their hands as they read to themselves and their children. Think of your favorite storybook that your mom or dad read to you as a think of that same book available online, yet without the personal touch of reading it to your child, encouraging them to guess what happens next, and turning the pages together. There is something very cold and impersonal about reading a story to a child from a website or e-book. Also many people (myself included) choose not to spend so much time on the computer because the light from the computer and the size of the type tends to hurt our eyes. I would much rather take a book with me while travelling or at a coffee shop or at the beach. Reading a book in a public setting shows the world that you are studious yet approachable for conversation. Sitting in front of a computer in a public space very clearly sends out a message of "I'm busy don't bother me". Another cold and impersonal experience. Libraries will need their collections because some of us who choose to live our lives without so much technology, will still prefer the solace of a favorite book (i.e. curling up in a blanket in front of a fireplace with a book is a comfortable, romantic image...curling up in a blanket in front of a fireplace with a laptop ???). In other words, some of us still prefer reality to virtual reality, community instead of online community. I prefer to live fully and passionately, to embrace life to its fullest extent which cannot truly be done via website. The best thing that libraries can do is offer book clubs and special programs for the community because there are still people who want to connect with each other face to face rather than interface to interface. The Internet is a good tool for information and for sharing opinions, for learning more about the world and the opinions of other people in other countries...but it should only be used as a tool and not become a substitute for community, for thought-provoking conversation, or for the reality of life.
Technorati and tagging
More useless information on how to organize a blog according to subject heading. First of all, one of the biggest flaws with blogging is that it is all subjective experience perspective. No one is doing any fact checking in regards to blogs about subjects-in my opinion, blogging is being used as a substitute for factual information, news, and meaningful conversation. I can see where blogging can be used as a social networking tool, however I can safely say that no meaningful conversations have developped from my blogging. In fact, I can hardly wait until April 1st 2007 when I will probably delete my blog and not waste my time or my brain on techno-babble.
That whole Delicious thing
I read through the website about Delicious and I can see how it might be helpful for those who tend to do research and need to use a massive amount of web info. Or for those who need to organize their favorite websites because of the use of multiple computers (i.e. at home, at the office, at the Library). Personally, I would not need to use it as I only spend about 4 hours a week on personal computer business. The rest of my time is spent at work and living my life (a REAL life not an online one).
Friday, February 9, 2007
A Guilty Pleasure
I really love Bollywood films! I know that the plotlines are predominantly the same-but I love them for the music, the dances, the costumes, and the location sets in India. It's the ultimate in romantic fantasy for me! I guilty fact, sometimes I get up and dance along with the music sequences.
Here is a cute little bunny...she almost looks like my pet rabbit Bunny-Muffin, who is now 8 1/2 years old and still sweet, cuddly, and feisty as ever. Bunny-Muffin also likes to hide in the closet next to my shoes and nibble on them.
Awesome Tribal Fusion belly dancer Rachel Brice. Her moves are sublimely sensuous-like a serpent. If you are able to see her perform, as a part of Bellydance Superstars or Le Serpent Rouge, by all means, go and enjoy! (le le le le le le-zagarheet)
So I just created a Rollyo of some of my favorite websites specifically about my current favorite activity Tribal Fusion Bellydance! I'm hoping that I did it the right way.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Web 2.0 Awards
There are two web pages that have received awards that I do like...(sounds of shock and surprise...yes the bookvamp does actually like some things about technology!) craigslist and etsy. I like craigslist for its apartment and job opportunity listings. And since it's not just a Bay Area site, I can find room/apartment rentals and job listings in other cities, if we ever decide to move. I also like etsy because I have quite a few friends who sell their arts and crafts through this site. My least favorite web page that received a 3rd place award is MySpace, because the entire site is mainly about people trying to hook up with each other, or showing off, and it(MySpace) receives corporate sponsorship and advertising.
Image Generator
I must admit that I like the Image generator...I could have a lot of fun with this, but we've been cautioned to be "tasteful". So the image featured below this blog is me restraining myself to being "tasteful". Ha!
This is how I feel whenever the afterschool kids come in to the library! ; )
Monday, February 5, 2007
RSS Feeds blog
So I went through the intro to the RSS feeds and , while I can understand how it would be very convenient for someone on the go, I would prefer not to complete this particular exercise. I enjoy taking my time to develop my interests and explore on my own. I find that news agencies and bloglines that offer "up to the minute" feeds /details to be frustrating. Also, the kind of things that interest me fall into the categories of research or active participation in a class or performance setting. I think that, because our culture has the attention span of squirrels on crack, most people do not make the time to explore and learn at their own leisure. They've chosen to exist in the Silicon Valley rat race and so everything (for them) must become faster for their fastpaced lives. For myself, I have chosen to live a more creative, less stressful existance so I am able to learn and explore at my own pace. Most of the RSS news feeds tend to be about pop culture (which I have no interest in) or the current news items of the day (which mostly focus on tragedy or scandal), neither of which appeal to me.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
The Whole Learning 2.0 Experience
Okay, so this whole experience has been kind of a drag for me, in that I simply cannot follow such techno babble, linear minded instructions. It's not the way I's better if I play around at it for awhile and find my own way. I know it sounds very Montessori, but I tend to learn things better when I just mess around and play at it. And then, BOOM!! Enlightenment occurs. So I've determined that the rest of my Learning 2.0 journey will be conducted under my personal path of learning...which consists of playing around until enlightenment happens.
Technological nightmare
"Technology is the nightmare from which I cannot awaken"
Every year it seems that there is more technological things available to make our lives easier or more comfortable. I personally find none of it to be overly compelling. In fact, I think that more technology creates more ignorance in the general population. First of all, instead of debating and sharing opinions through the art of conversation, people are more inclined to "conversing online" which leads to a more solitary demeanor. This makes it even more difficult for people to actually relate to each outside of their online lives. I see many children using message boards, like MySpace, opening themselves to mature situations that they may not be able to handle or understand. Or they play online games rather than playing outside and getting much needed physical activity. Also the Internet provides quite a bit of misinformation and is subjective rather than objective-so people will believe anything that is written at face value, rather than use their critical thinking skills (that is, if they have any critical thinking skills). Right now, I'm wondering why I'm even bothering to blog about this-it's not like anyone is actually going to read what I have written. blah blah blah.
Every year it seems that there is more technological things available to make our lives easier or more comfortable. I personally find none of it to be overly compelling. In fact, I think that more technology creates more ignorance in the general population. First of all, instead of debating and sharing opinions through the art of conversation, people are more inclined to "conversing online" which leads to a more solitary demeanor. This makes it even more difficult for people to actually relate to each outside of their online lives. I see many children using message boards, like MySpace, opening themselves to mature situations that they may not be able to handle or understand. Or they play online games rather than playing outside and getting much needed physical activity. Also the Internet provides quite a bit of misinformation and is subjective rather than objective-so people will believe anything that is written at face value, rather than use their critical thinking skills (that is, if they have any critical thinking skills). Right now, I'm wondering why I'm even bothering to blog about this-it's not like anyone is actually going to read what I have written. blah blah blah.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Here is a photo of my favorite belly dancer Ansuya Rathor. She is an amazing performer and a very sweet lady. I met her at Rakassah last year and have also taken some dance workshops with her. Her style of dance reminds me of how my own mother performed bellydance in the 1970s. Maybe because she (Ansuya) learned from her mother Jenaeni Rathor, as I have learned from my mom. Anyways, she is certainly a superstar!
bettie page
Okay I finally figured out how to do this whole flickr thing...but honestly, I'm not that impressed, as there are much easier ways to upload photos to the web, to blog entries, etc. I chose this public domain image from the movie poster about Bettie Page, because I have strong feelings regarding stealing images from other people's lives. And also I've been told that I resemble her physically...I think it's the black hair cut with bangs that invites comparison.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Why on Earth???
Yet another question regarding the whole flickr thing... Why on earth would I want to link a photo that has absolutely nothing to do with me onto the blog just to prove that I can? I don't know any of these people, so why would I want to steal images from their lives, from their photo albums. It seems to me that anyone who publishes their personal photos online is basically falling for some sort of corporate sponsored advertising to "show the world how fun or fascinating your life is"-like anyone would care.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
I h8 Flickr
This makes absolutely no sense to me. The techno-babble in this particular lesson assumes that we will understand and go through these steps to upload a photo. I do not understand anything that I have read and would prefer to read a good novel, rather than waste my precious time with meaningless activities such as this one. I would much rather have an actual human being beside me to assist me, if at all possible
Saturday, January 20, 2007
My fondest wishes
Once again, the BookVamp cries out in the much time has gone by and I've already accomplished many of my goals. So it is time to reinvent my eternal existance with some fresh, new ideas, wishes, desires. I would like to go back to Paris for a couple of months, learn to cook Thai food, learn to play the violin, publish my poetry, sing Italian arias. I will continue to write poetry and erotic short stories, practice Middle Eastern Bellydance, and create gorgeous costumes for theatrical performances. Vamp Kisses to all!
Week 1- 7 1/2 habits blah blah!
So I've created this blog at the behest of my employer, regarding my opinions of this slide presentation. Now keep in mind that I am a solitary creature of the night, inclined to keeping my dark thoughts to myself. Most of this slide presentation was about creating goals and lifelong learning. These "habits" which I am already quite familiar with and put into practice everyday and night...after all, I am the BookVamp and will continue to be so, eternally.
Interview with a Bookvamp
Well, my dark and lovely children of the night- I am the dreaded BookVamp. I frequent libraries sucking the marrow out of life with my voracious appetite for wisdom and knowledge. When I am not lurking in the dark corners of the library stacks, I can be found at theaters, goth/industrial nightclubs, theaters, dancing and playing with my companion and my lovely pet bunny! Beware for my wit is sardonic, my humor sarcastic, and my mannerism ironic. Read at thy leisure, if you dare! Mwah ha ha ha!
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